Donate via JustGiving

Donate Via Spacehive!

All the donations are doubled by KCC

The Hive Thanet

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Here is a list of the remaining needs, simple purchase and they will arrive at the charity!!

Donate via JustGiving

Click the link above to go straight to our JustGiving page and sponsor our new school sensory room!!


If you prefer not to donate online, you can post a cheque to: Foreland fields charity, Foreland Fields School, Newlands Lane, Ramsgate, Kent CT126RH

Personalised donations or legacy.

If you'd like to chat through person contact Diarmuid @


Plant a tree!

Treat your donation as a present to someone, and we’ll send them a personalised gift certificate. If you'd like a tree names after someone, or to plant the tree yourself, get in contact at


We stick to a strict set of codes and our fundraising promise means we treat our supporters and donors with respect, fairness and honesty.



These are approximate costs for outstanding items needed:

Item  Description  Value/ Cost
White goods for kitchen Fridge, Dishwasher, washing machine, small items £2000
Gantry Hoist (large) To lift disabled people £5000
Gantry Hoist (small) To lift disabled people £3000
4 X Shipping containers Store sports equipment £5000 each
Goals/Portable goals Large, medium, small £2000
Personalised Kit/ wear For the teams/ attendees £1000
Card/contactless register For the Cafe £1000
Audio Visual equipment For the Function room £2000
Planters/trees for the horticultural sector £1000


Other / Services ( absolutely vital):

Item  Description/Value Cost
Kitchen  2 x worktops/ cupboards £1000
Installation of Kitchen/plumbing small 1 day  £400 / Volunteer
Cladding composite 200 sq Meters £5000
Installation cladding 5 days £2000/ Volunteer 
Fire Alarm  must before building opens £4000
Window and door shutters For security  £5000
Air- conditioning Vital for building regs £11000
Intruder Alarm  Vital for security  £4350
Window Guards Vital for security £2400


Gift aid

Gift aid is a chance to claim 25% tax back on all gifts, please let us know if you would like this not applied to your donation.