Health and Therapy Provision
Health and Therapy Provision at Foreland Fields School
As a school for over 250 pupils with Profound, Severe and Complex Needs we are committed to delivering integrated provision for Health and Therapy in order to ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils and students. These outcomes include maximising physical and mental wellbeing and ensuring pupils and students spend as much time in school as is possible for their individual needs.
In order to deliver these outcomes, our pupils and students access a wide range of services, both in-house and through the NHS. We view Health and therapy input as part of the school curriculum, as driven through education health Care Plans. Our Curriculum Pathways (lead by Sarah Thorp) reflect the need to meet health and therapy needs. For our most complex pupils and students it is important that their therapy provision is an integral part of their daily learning and not a ’bolt on’.
Jeremy Edwards (Deputy Headteacher) is the strategic lead for Health and Therapy across the school and he draws on a wide range of professionals, both ‘in-house’ employees and NHS staff to deliver the provision. All of the team aim to work closely with parents/carers who are highly valued as experts in their child, as well as the full range of wider professionals such as NHS Occupational Therapists(OT), Physiotherapists (PT) and Speech and Language Therapists (SaLT), Paediatricians, consultants, etc.
Our staff are trained by the NHS in a wide range of area’s including, but not limited to, enteral feeding, support for pupils with Dysphagia, administration of medication, diabetes management and epilepsy management. Additionally, we have over 70 staff who are trained in First Aid.
Any parents/carers wishing to discuss matters relating to Health and Therapy should phone the main school reception on 01843 863891, where they can ask to be put through to the Health and Therapy team.