Children’s Special School Nurse – NHS
Sam Daniels
The school benefits from the service of a NHS Nurse on our site (5 days of support across the week), whose job it is to put in place Health Care Plans and train staff to support the Health and medical needs of our most complex pupils. The nurse works to an ‘enablement model’, this means their job is to train our class based staff to be able to care for our pupils. Our nurses work closely with parents
Health and Therapy Assistant
Chris Holmes
Chris’s job is to have oversight of Health and Therapy provision across the school. She works to ensure Health Care Plans are in place for our less complex pupils, but also works closely with our nurses in support of their role. Chris also works with our Therapy team to ensure Occupational and Physical Therapy support is in place across the school.
Health Care Assistant
Anna Padfield
Anna works alongside Chris Holmes to ensure Health Care Plans are in place for our less complex pupils, she also works closely with our nurses in support of their role.
Links with the NHS Health Team
Our Health team liaise closely with the NHS Continence, Immunisation, Children and Young People’s Mental Health (CYPMHS) teams. Many of these services are provided onsite, for example continence clinics.
Medicines Optimisation in Special Schools
The Specialist Pharmacy Team at Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT) works in partnership with ourselves to provide training, external audits, policy review as well as acting as consultants in complex cases.
Mental Health
The school supports parents/cares with referrals to Children and Young People’s Mental Health (CYPMHS). In addition to this, on a case by case basis, the school accesses Play Therapy, Music Therapy and Counselling for those pupils who are most in need.