6th Form Graduation
16th Jul 2022
The severe weather warning for the beginning of next week continues, and we are having to review plans for the last week of term.
The 6th form graduation on Tuesday was planned to be held outside. This is now not possible due to the weather warning, and we have no air conditioned spaces large enough to accommodate the amount of expected attendees.
We fully appreciate how important this event is to our school leavers and their parents/carers, as many have been with us for their whole school career however, the health and safety of our students must take priority.
We will be in touch early next week to let all parents/carers of school leavers know of our decision however, we thought it only right to let you know that this event will need to be scaled down.
I appreciate this decision may cause upset to our students however, please assure them the event will take place, just not in the way it was planned.