COVID-19 - Update
29th Oct 2021
Dear parents/carers
We have been notified of COVID-19 positive cases within our school community over the break.
Could I please once again ask that any child who is showing any symptoms of COVID-19 does not attend school. If they are able to be tested, parents should book a PCR test for their child as soon as possible.
The main symptoms of COVID-19 are;
• High temperature
• New, continuous cough
• Loss or change to sense of smell or taste.
As stated previously, there have been numerous reports that people having COVID-19 may present as having a really bad cold with symptoms including a headache, sore throat and a runny nose so parents/carers may want to remain alert to this.
Where possible, could we ask that all students in Year 7 and above, who are able to, take a LFD test either the night before, or the morning of, the first day of Term 2.
School is open to all pupils and students on Tuesday 2nd November (Monday 1st is a staff training day).
Please inform your child’s class teacher of the result of the tests in the normal way, e.g. ClassDojo (private message) or email.
Stay safe