Ofsted/CQC Visit of Kent County Council from 27 September to 29 September 2022
25th Sep 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
Re-visit of Kent County Council from 27 September to 29 September 2022.
Please find below a letter from Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission who have announced that they will conduct a three-day revisit to Kent from Tuesday 27 to Thursday 29 September. Please note; this is not a school inspection.
The purpose of the revisit is for inspectors to assess whether the local area has made sufficient progress in addressing the areas of significant weakness detailed in the SEND Written Statement of Action.
The inspectors will want to speak with partners and parents and carers. At the end of the revisit, the inspection team will evaluate all the evidence gathered. Following this, they will send KCC and the CCG a letter with their findings, which will be published on the Ofsted and CQC websites.
In the meantime, you can find out further information about the revisit on the SEND Information hub
Kind regards