Preparing For Adulthood

Preparing for Adulthood

Preparing for Adulthood is an exciting time for our students as they transition onto the next stage of their lives, but for families it can be a difficult and confusing time. We aim to make this process as informative and smooth as possible.  

At Foreland Fields School we have high aspirations for all our students.  Throughout their school journey we work with families and professionals to ensure our students are challenged and supported to go on to live fulfilling lives that encompass the Preparing for Adulthood four key outcomes:


Further Education and/or employment – including the opportunity exploring different employment options, such as supported internships, volunteering and apprenticeships.


Independent living – students have a say in all aspects of their daily living. Students are supported to have input into where they live and who with, this includes supported living.


Being Active Member of the Community – Young people have opportunities to spend time with their peers outside of school and college. They are supported to develop and maintain friendships and relationships. They can access their community and feel safe and confident.


Being as healthy as possible in adult life – ensuring access to the right health professionals who understand the young person’s learning difficulties and disabilities and where possible students to have a say in the health care plan.

More information can be found here:



The student’s curriculum has been carefully designed to optimise opportunities for students to develop life skills, to be involved within the community and to understand and plan for their future.  All students receive Careers Education, Information and Guidance (C.E.I.A.G), Relationships and Sex education (RSE) and health education. All students have life skills learning appropriate to their needs.


Triangulated Planning (student/Parent/Carer/Teacher)

Alongside planning in EHC Planning meetings we provide yearly Planning for Adulthood meetings with parents and carers from year 9. These meetings will provide the opportunity for parents and carers, students and class teachers to provide information and discuss the student’s future and options. In Year 9, 11 and 13 students and parent/carers can meet with our careers advisor for next step specific advice. Parents/Carers can also request a meeting outside these year groups if they feel it would be beneficial.


External Support

The school works with a number of organisations such as employment services, businesses, disability organisations and arts and sports groups, to help students understand what is available to them as they get older, and what it is possible for them to achieve. Students have opportunities to explore what is available so they can make informed choices about their future, their leisure time and their involvement within the community.