Further Education Colleges

Further Education (FE) Colleges


Some students may move from KS4 to a mainstream further education provider such as East Kent College. Mainstream colleges offer a wide range of courses to suit all levels of learning.  For example:


  • Academic courses (A Levels, GCSE's).
  • Vocational courses (such as BTECS).
  • "Stepping Stone" courses in Maths and English.
  • Courses which combine study with on- the- job training or work experience.
  • "Life skills" courses to help young people prepare for adult life, work and participate in the community.


You and your child should receive information and advice about suitable courses in good time to make the right decision. As well as getting information from the school, also check the post-16 section of your local authority's Local Offer site. The National Careers Service might also be useful.


This discussion should be part of their annual review if they have an EHC plan. Your child's needs and wishes are important; they should not be shoe-horned into a course that doesn't match their interests or abilities. A meeting will be arranged with the college link teacher to ensure you and your child have a good understanding of the provision provided.


Once your child has chosen a suitable college, we will work with the new setting to ensure a smooth transition into the next stage of their study.