Home School Agreement
Foreland Fields School will:
- Provide a balanced and individualised learning programme for each pupil or student.
- Ensure that learning is fun and takes place through a wide range of relevant activities.
- Place a high emphasis on the development of personal independence skills and communication.
- Provide a high standard of personal care to pupils and students.
- Be open and honest in discussion with parents/carers.
- Be sensitive to the personal and home circumstances of families and work flexibly with parents/carers when difficulties arise.
- Work in partnership with parents/carers and other agencies such as therapists in order to:
- reinforce learning and personal development at home
- help pupils manage their own behaviour
- ensure that the needs of the whole pupil or student are met.
- Communicate and liaise with parents/carers in order that they can be involved with their child's education through:
- regular planned meetings such as Goal Planning and Annual Reviews (Statement of SEN or EHCP)
- more frequent, informal contact through home/school liaison books and, if necessary, telephone or email.
- inform parents/carers of particular significant progress or difficulties and care related issues as well as informing them of any accidents or injuries involving their child.
- holding other meetings, as necessary, at the school's or parent's/carer's request in order to discuss particular matters of importance.
- Provide parents/carers with information on:
- significant dates and special events.
- the overview of termly planned learning activities.
- alterations to routine arrangements
Parents/Carers are expected to:
- Work in partnership with the school by:
- reinforcing agreed goals and strategies.
- being open and honest where difficulties arise.
- talking with the class teacher about any matters of concern.
- Ensure that their child attends school regularly and punctually.
- Dress their child suitably for school and for activities undertaken whether on or off-site, and provide any requested equipment for activities.
- Keep their child at home if they are infectious or so unwell that they are unable to participate in lessons.
- Attend meetings such as Goal planning and Annual Reviews (Statement of SEN or EHCP) whenever possible.
- Read the home/school liaison book regularly and respond to any requests for information in it.
- Use the home/school liaison book to tell the school about:
- events or visits that their child has been involved in.
- anything that their child has done well at home.
- medical or health problems.
- changes to medication or their child's health needs.
- any accidents or injuries that may have occurred at home.
- Return consent forms promptly.
- Telephone the school on the first day of any absence and keep the school updated if the absence continues.
- Provide the school with home and emergency contact telephone numbers, ensuring the school is updated of any changes.
For Pupil Agreement see 'Pupils' section.