Pioneers Pathway
Aiming for the World of Work
Students following the Pioneers’ Pathway will be working within National Curriculum levels. We recognise that although these students are able to engage in subject based learning and to make linear progress, they will still have significant difficulties with developing the key skills that will enable them to function independently as adults. We are therefore implementing a formal curriculum, based on National Curriculum subject based learning that emphasises communication, life skills, independence, health and well-being and functional skills.
Subject Areas
Learning will be organised into traditional subject areas, with the exception of culture, which delivers geography, history, RE, art and Modern Foreign Languages in a cross curricular topic:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Computing
- Personal, Social and Health Education/Relationships and Sex Education
- PE
- Culture
- Design Technology
- Music
Students following the Pioneers’ Pathway may be included in our satellite provisions at Garlinge Primary School or Hartsdown Secondary School.
Students in Sixth Form may attend East Kent College to complete ICT accreditation.
Depending on the needs of the individual student, they make take some of the following accreditation.
- AQA Unit Awards
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- Edexcel Prevocational Studies Entry Level 2
- Edexcel Entry Level Mathematics and English Entry Level 1 to 3
Work Experience
Students will have a range of opportunities to prepare them for the world of work. These experiences will be personalised to meet the needs and interests of individual students.
These experiences may include:
Work experience at “Tuck by Truck”
Experience of horticulture at the allotment
Experience of work in retail
Experience of work in catering and hospitality
Experience of office work.
Our Impact – how we know that our students are making progress
We will use a basket of indicators to tell the full story of each student’s unique learning journey.
- Progress towards EHCP goals
- Progress towards therapy goals
- Pupil Progress Meetings 3 with teachers, partner agencies and families 3 times a year
- Progress captured on Evidence for Learning in Learning Journals
- Pioneers stages measuring linear progress in subject areas
- Accreditation outcomes
- Behaviour Support Plans/Data
- Feedback from work experience or supported internship