IASK Review Survey
18th Jul 2024
Commissioning is conducting a review of the Information Advice and Support Service Kent (IASK) service. IASK provide Information, advice and support to children, young people and parents/carers about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This includes health and social care where it is linked to education.
We know that IASK along with other services and charities offer essential support to parents. The survey will help us understand more about how parents and young people access the IASK Service and how aware they are of the service. The survey will also help us understand why people haven’t used the service or have accessed other support. We are keen to identify where we can best promote services like IASK so parents and young people can know where to find out about all the support that is available to them. We have tried to keep the survey as short as possible.
The survey can be found by following the link below: