Reminder for Parents/Carers - Return to School
7th Jun 2020
A reminder to all parents/carers of children returning to school. Please ensure you read the Parent Handbook in order to familiarise yourselves with the safety measures in place. A copy of the handbook has been sent home to all parents/carers. A copy is also available here.
Please do not arrive at the school early. We cannot allow cars on the grounds until 8.45am and the gate for pedestrians will not open until 9.00am. Please only use the pedestrian gate to enter the school on foot. At the end of the day, please ensure you pick up your child at the stated time - 2.15pm for pedestrians and 2.30pm for vehicles.
We are working on a one-way system within the school grounds. Pedestrians should enter through the school gate, hand their children to class staff outside reception, and walk across the zebra crossing to leave the site, in order to prevent walking past others. Vehicles should enter through the far entrance (secondary end) and drive out of the entrance at the main gate. Staff are on hand to direct vehicles and pedestrians.
Any child attending by school transport will be collected at the normal time, unless told otherwise.
Please ensure your child does not bring personal items into school, other than their communication devices or other necessary items. Bags and lunchboxes should be wipe clean.
There is no need for children to wear uniform. Please ensure they attend in freshly laundered clothing each day.
Please can parents/carers whose children need to be changed, and normally have continence products at school, only send in new, sealed packs of continence products to school. These will be stored in classes away from changing areas.
Please do not attempt to enter the school without an appointment. If you need to speak to a staff member, alert us on your arrival and, if available, they we will come out to see you.
Lastly, please do not send your child in with a face mask. Guidance states that face coverings should not be worn by those who may not handle them properly as it may inadvertently increase the risk of transmission.
Please be aware that these arrangements are new to us too, so may not immediately run like clockwork. There may be changes along the way so please bear with us!
I hope you all understand that these measures are in place to reduce the risks of transmitting the virus and therefore it is important that all members of the community understand, and follow, the guidance in order to protect our pupils, staff, parents and families.
Please email should you have any questions.