Extending Provision Update
3rd Jun 2020
This week we will be contacting parents/carers regarding extending our provision. As stated earlier, it is not possible at this time to offer to all parents who have requested a place, but please be assured we will be reviewing the provision each fortnight with a view to extending our offer if we are able to do so. This is obviously dependent on us having the staff available and that further extending our provision does not compromise the health and safety of our pupils and staff.
All parents will be receiving the Parent Handbook through the post over the next couple of days, which details the new ways of working in order to promote the health and safety of all members of the school community. The handbook is available on this website by following the link above. Please note, any updates to the handbook will be available on this website which clearly states the version number and date.
There are a number of important points that parents/carers should be aware of which are contained within the handbook:
- Changes to dropping of and picking up times and arrangements. These times all differ, dependent on the method of travel.
- We would like to encourage parents/carers to drive or walk wherever possible rather than use public transport.
- Parents/carers are asked that if their child needs to be accompanied to the education or childcare setting, where possible, only one parent/carer should attend with them.
- Parents/carers should not enter Reception or any other part of the school building, or the grounds, unless they have an appointment. Visitors are not permitted on site.
- We are no longer using home–school contact books, but are making use of phone calls, ClassDoJo and email as an alternative.
- Do not send in personal items such as toys, books, stationary etc. Communication devices should continue to be sent in daily.
- Lunchboxes and school bags brought into school to be wipe clean, not fabric.
- Pupil behaviour that constitutes a risk to good hygiene and COVID-19 transmission, may result in parents needing to be called to collect their child.
- School uniform is not compulsory for pupils at this time. Pupils must arrive daily in a complete set of freshly laundered clothing.
- Any pupil displaying symptoms of COVID-19 should not come to school. If the school feels that a child is displaying any signs of COVID-19, they will act immediately and send the child home. The school will always err on the side of caution in regards to a child displaying any of the symptoms, following Government and Public Health England guidelines.
In order that we can contact parents to pick up their child should we need to, it is vitally important that parents/carers are contactable by phone at all times. Could all parents/carers please ensure the school has 2 current contact numbers for us to use in an emergency.
In addition to the Parent Handbook, the Schools Risk Assessment is also available on this website. This is seen as a working document which will be updated, with the latest version being made available on the website.
Should any parent have concerns or questions regarding any of the above please email foreland@foreland.kent.sch.uk.